The advantages of installing split air conditioning in the home are numerous

Summer has come with everything, making our air conditioned environments great partners on days of intense heat. With the device we have more pleasant days to carry out our activities and have quiet night’s sleep. On the other hand, the complications of the installation may scare anyone who wants to do everything on their own, so you should know how to install split air conditioning quickly. Do you know the step by step to install the device? Is it worth doing the process yourself? Find out everything about how to install split air conditioning through this article and enjoy what the season has the best!

Technical information about the split air conditioning

Split air conditioning has several advantages compared to other types of appliances, such as window air conditioners or portable air conditioners. Divided into two main parts, the split model is configured so that the condensing unit, responsible for most of the noise of the air conditioning process, is outside the environment in question. This makes this option the quietest among air conditioners. In addition, the split also has the greater capacity to work efficiently in larger spaces. If other models cannot afford to air condition the rooms in your home, then split is the solution. The basic division of the apparatus, excluding other elements such as electric and drainage are as follows. In order to know more about Air conditioning installation Geelongyou can seek help online.

The Condensing unit

The condensing unit, also known as an external unit, is the element responsible for condensing the refrigerant gas that has evaporated when exchanging heat in the refrigeration process. As the alternative name suggests, this part is installed on the outside of the house, at a distance that varies according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Some models can move up to 30 meters away from the indoor unit, ensuring silence in the air conditioned environment.

The Evaporator unit

In turn, the evaporator unit (or indoor unit) is connected to the refrigeration ducts to distribute the cooled air in one or more rooms of the house. Depending on the model, the installation takes place in a specific place. This part can be wall mounted and fully or partially embedded in the liner. From the evaporator unit, temperature, power, air direction and other settings are controlled.

How to install split air conditioning?

If you want to know how to install split air conditioning, you should follow some care to not generate maintenance, drainage and efficiency problems.

Thermal Calculation

Each environment to be air conditioned requires its own power to guarantee its uniform cooling. The variables to calculate and determine the minimum capacity are the size of the room, the amount of people who use it, the orientation of the sun, and the presence of windows, among others.