Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Those Small Leaks?


One of the most annoying sounds in the world is the one from a dripping faucet. The same sound of the water droplets falling in the sink or in a bowl of water was a popular torturing method for prisoners in many cultures back in the day. If this is happening to you, chances are great you’ll do something about it right away.

What happens if this dripping is not so loud and you don’t see it? Let’s say it is under the sink and you placed some towels and the problem was solved with this small move. There’s no sound and you change the towel every 8 hours, so it’ all good. Do you think this is the right solution? Of course not. Here’s why you should do something about this even though it’s not a huge problem at the moment?

It will become a huge problem

The key term in the previous paragraph is – at the moment. It might be a small problem at the moment, but if there is a problem it will most certainly become a big problem later. If you still take no action, it will turn into a huge problem and then plumbers will not be enough to solve the situation.

One of the main reasons why small holes in the pipes appear is corrosion. Corrosion happens because of many factors. Some of them are old pipes, poor water quality, chemicals that provoke the reaction, and others. Whatever the reason, the point is that you probably did nothing wrong, but the problem is there and you must do something about it because it will get worse. If the corrosion started, with time it will just eat the pipe more and more. The hole that is not just the tip of a needle will become an unwanted alternative open water flow that can be used as a faucet. Too bad no one wants to wash their hands inside the walls or in the basement.

Another reason for a leaking pipe is clogged sewers. A lot of things go in the drain. From oil to bath toys that make the pipes going out in the city sewage clogged. When they get clogged, because of different reasons they might break and make small openings from which water and an awful smell will come out. As the hole becomes bigger, the smell and the amount of water coming out will be more and more problematic.

Water bill is getting higher and higher

In the beginning, when the hole is small, you might ignore the problem because the water spent is not a big deal. As time will pass and the hole will become bigger, the water spent will make an enormous bill. If you ignore it for one or two months, it will become so big that the money spent on the plumbers will be way lower than the money you gave for nothing ignoring the problem.

The worst part is that you’ll have to pay for the plumbers too to fix the problem anyway. Sometimes people don’t even realize they have a leak somewhere in their house. The water might be going out and finding its way into the sewer or in the ground. No signs in the walls, nothing in the faucets, and the water bill is huge. If the bill is getting higher and higher and you do nothing to make it this way, you should call the plumbers to check the lines and see if there’s a leak somewhere.


Leaking pipe shouldn’t be ignored in any situation. A lot of people do this and it was proven they’re mistaking. A leak is definitely a problem. And as life taught us, every ignored problem just gets bigger. It’s the same with the plumbing issues. If you ignore the hole where the leak is coming from, it will only become bigger in time and the problem will become more serious. See how a thaw made pipe leak and then caused a city chaos on this link.

The smartest thing to do is to call a professional plumbing company to check it out the first moment you realize there’s a problem or even if you just have a hunch even though you see no water.